- Austria
- Network Title :
- Type of Organization: OTH - Other Entities
- Description of KET : Sensory systems
Screens and display technologies
Communication networks
Cyber physical systems
Internet of things
Artificial intelligence
Mobility & Location based technologies
Interaction technologies
Cyber security
Big data, data analytics, data handling
Virtual, augmented and extended reality
Simulation, modelling and digital twins
Software as a service and service architectures
Additive manufacturing
Internet services
New media technologies - Participant No. : 1
- Description
INNOVATE is Austria’s Digital Innovation Hub for agrifood, timber, forestry and energy.
As an association of various technology centers and universities we work together with Austrian small and medium enterprises (SME) in agriculture, timber and energy on their digitalization quests.
We connect an entrepreneurial spirit with tradition. We develop digital and innovative solutions based on SME needs.
(European) Digital Innovation Hub INNOVATE
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