- Belgium
- Acronym : 3IF.eu - Industrial Internet in Flanders
- Network Title :
- Type of Organization: PNP - Private Non-Profit Sector
- TRL Focus : TRL 6 TRL 7 TRL 8 TRL 9
- Description
3IF.eu is the Belgian Industrial Internet, Industrial IoT and Industrie 4.0 knowledge and expert centre.
3IF.eu provides knowledge and experience sharing, use cases and advisory services for digital transformation for Manufacturing companies, mainly in Flanders. 3IF is aligned with and supports the smart specialisation strategies according to the S3 priorities in Flanders (http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/regions/BE2/tags/BE2) of specialised manufacturing solutions, innovative work organization and smart systems.
3IF.eu supports the development of technology companies active in Industrial IoT, Analytics, Cloud services and supporting service
3IF.eu is the Industrie 4.0 innovation hub in Belgium and Flanders, connecting to SmartIndustry Netherlands, Industrie 4.0 in Germany, Industrial Internet Consortium and AIOTI.
3IF - Industrial Internet In Flanders
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